Brantley, Alabama Hometown Sewing!

Your hometown sewing shop is just a call or click away! MANY, MANY THANKS to all of you that keep us stitching! We are celebrating our 8th year of sewing outside Brantley, Alabama. Go figure. We do small commercial niche contracts, custom orders, embroidery, wholesale, retail, hemming and mending and such.
Please let us know how we're doing in the comments below!
WE RECENTLY ADDED COMMERCIAL EMBROIDERY and some basic dress making to our offerings and make just about any household linen with corners, work aprons, tunics and bags. We ship by USPS, arrange local pick up, and hand-deliver local commercial contract work. Contact information is easy to find here, right up top:
Your input matters and all feedback is important to us. Feedback helps us grow locally and on line. If you have some of our items, please leave a review, comment or testimonial below; it lets others know what to expect and helps them decide about a purchase. And it helps us keep quality sharp. Just list your thoughts in the comment section below and we will get them listed on the testimonial page with a link back to the product. If you can find your product you can also leave a review there.
Watch for our new, local venue in the gift shop area of Lisa's Beauty Salon, 3619 Brooklyn Road; outside Andalusia on the road with the great big deer at the corner gas station. The official roll out will be April 9, 2020 from 10am-2pm. We will be there for a meet and greet and to help with sizing, fabric choices and embroidery options for those aprons you've been asking about!
Thanks for your feedback in the comments. And come see us.
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
Comments 6
Diane Brooks
You can definitely see that all items are handmade with love. Excellent craftsmanship!!
Kerrie Magee
Kari Manning
Beautiful works from a beautiful Lady!