Keep at it!

The other day, we asked artist Wilma Ingalls what advise she had for young artists. Without batting an eye, she said, "Keep at it!" And as you can see in this painting, she did. Gifts and talent take practice, discipline and repeated USE. Beautiful paintings don't just happen overnight.
Life on earth and life in Jesus are much the same. Life is not perfect and we are not perfect; and things often look worse before they get better. But Jesus IS perfect. And He never changes. He knows that we stumble and fall and are even afraid, at times. But He is always WITH US, through all of it. Pray constantly. Around here we call that a running conversation with God.
Stay on the your tasks. Whatever you are called to do, keep working. We all have different tasks. Sweeping the floor, cooking a meal, cleaning up the kitchen, caring for the sick, comforting the dying, speaking, listening, teaching, art, raising children, writing, performing, making things, fixing things, providing. The list is endless. And when our tasks are done within a relationship with Jesus, they become a living testimony to Him. Love and care for each other. Keep His praise ever on your lips. And, like Wilma says, "Keep at it!"
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
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