Many Thanks To Donnie And Wilma Howell and Mr. Neil Murphy

Many thanks to Donnie and Wilma Howell (shown above) for hosting A Yard Sale and inviting Handes Of A Woman to be a part of it. And many, many thanks to my husband Neil Murphy (shown below with me) who has made everything possible at Handes.
In about 2 weeks we open at A Yard Sale and I am rallying the troops to help bring you some great inventory for your, your home and friends. We of course will be featuring local artists Wilma Ingalls Howell, Jean Sport and Yvonne Johnson. And our embroideries, as always, will be featuring the host of 14 artists at Handes. For the past 2+ years we have been giving away inventory as a form of local advertising and I am most grateful to have the help filling our space. In the mean time I will be busy sewing. Stop by and see us and what is new since our last pop-up in 2018!
(Neil and Catherine Murphy below)

"You just never know what is going to happen every day when you get up." CS Murphy
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
Comments 1
Rachel Leclerc
A Yard Sale: I would like to be there with you all; however, it is not possible. But Catherine, on my behalf, say Hi to everyone if you have a chance. Friendship Angel will help greet and Keep the Hope Angel will assure a great time. Catherine I’m positive that you will be very busy and that all will go well. Thanking your Team for everything! Have a successful turn out.