"Because I Can"

Sneak peek at what's in the design studio. Prototype apron in progress. Apron itself is black linen; so nice to wear and launders beautifully. And yes we will be testing other fabrics. Embroidery looks good; we will see how it does in the laundry with my husbands heavy denim work jeans. If it passes the laundry test it will move on to the next phase.
And yes this is by special request of Florida artist Priscilla Batzell of Expressionist art Studio Gallery. Let's drop it over there as a share and see what she thinks!
- Tags: apron priscilla batzell
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
Comments 2
catherine schmid murphy
Washed and dried beautifully so the embroidery format is a go. Next is evaluating fabric options. Long awaited twill samples have arrived from Mount Vernon Mills, Trion Georgia. And later this week we will check on fabric salvaged from the mill that closed in Opp, Alabama. The goal is to have options in various weights and price ranges.
catherine schmid murphy
Prototype just came out of the washer and looks great. Now for the dryer. We’ll just have to wait and see.