'Jean Sport Living'

You just never know what is going to happen every day when you get up. Jean Sport, friend, neighbor, artist and handesofawoman.com contributor put up the sweetest post, sharing her beautiful home!
Jean's home is elegant, whimsical and welcoming. She has a chicken collection on her mantle and a Santa montage on the dining sideboard. Everywhere is a story. And there is no more welcoming place to BE.
Chickadees on the stove handle.
Art on a side table.
Shown here: Art leans, towels hang, runners dress. This is what Handes of a Woman is all about. Thanks, Jean!
See some of Jean's work here: https://www.handesofawoman.com/collections/hand-painted-by-jean
special mention: 'chickadees' design by Alabama artist Ethan Coker.
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
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